
2024 高雄電影節

雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A

展演期間 2024.10.12(六)~ 2024.10.27(日)
雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A

棉被山  Grandma

★ 2024 青春影展
★ 2024 金穗獎 學生動畫片入圍


The director traces back in time to the last night of Grandma's life, reflecting on the demolition of the military dependents' village. The entire film establishes a dialogue between nostalgia and the old house through empty spaces.

汪安琪  WANG An-chi

WANG An-chi graduated from TNNUA’s Graduate Institute of Animation and Film Art, majoring in animation creation. Her works often revolve around the theme of military dependents' villages, where emotions are infused into the spaces through the medium of animation.

秘密森林少年  Boy in the Secret Forest

★ 2024 台北電影節


This winter, the boy has become very strange. He bursts out in anger, throws random tantrums, and refuses to play with his classmates. Everyone seems to know the reason, but no one dares to approach him. After school, the boy retreats deep into the forest. There lies his happiest and saddest secret…

曾子晏  TSENG Tzu-yen

1997年生於臺南,現就讀於臺灣藝術大學電影研究所,盼透過書寫故土與時間記憶探尋事物之所以發生的意義。紀錄片作品⟪一個記憶的場景⟫入選Taiwan Pitch 國際紀實影像創作獎助計畫,劇情短片⟪秘密森林少年⟫入選台北電影節。
TSENG Tzu-yen is currently pursuing a Master of Film at NTUA, aiming to explore the meaning of all things through her creative work. Her short film, Boy in the Secret Forest, was selected to the Taipei Film Festival.

老家  Home Kong

★ 2023 金馬影展
★ 2024 新加坡華語電影節


Who lost their memory? Why did you forget your story? Where is my hometown? Home Kong is an eight-minute short film comprising only three drone shots. A tale of two cities. A co-production between Hong Kong and Taiwan.

黃浩然  Amos WHY

Amos WHY’s first two films, Dot 2 Dot and Napping Kid, were nominated for three Hong Kong Film Awards. Far Far Away was nominated for a Golden Horse Award, and Everyphone Everywhere was selected to the Far East Film Festival.

海龜少年  Summer of Farewell

★ 2024 青春影展
★ 2024 金穗獎 學生劇情片入圍


At the end of summer vacation, Yen attends his final swimming lesson. After class, Xuan takes Yen around, wandering aimlessly. It’s an ordinary afternoon, yet one that Yen will not forget.

白峻瑋  Owen BAI

2001 年生於臺中大甲,畢業於世新大學廣播電視電影學系。主要從事剪輯與編導,短片作品有《小紅》,畢業製作《海龜少年》入圍金穗獎、青春影展,並獲得新北市學生影像新星獎劇情片優選。
Owen BAI was born in 2001 in Taichung and graduated from the Department of Radio, Television, and Film at Shih Hsin University. Notable short films include The Red Boy, and his graduation project, Summer of Farewell.

肉身菩薩  Flesh Offer

★ 世界首映 World Premiere


Legend has it that one can realize their wishes by continuously having sex with unattractive people to accumulate good karma. Ching constantly has sex with unappealing gay men to fulfill his wish of getting close to his handsome crush.

洪崇哲  HUNG Chung-che

HUNG Chung-che is currently studying at the NTUA Department of Motion Picture, taking on several roles within the directing team. His film projects explore gender and body issues, aiming to shed light on stories within gender that deserve greater attention.

斥子  Repulsion

★ 2024 金穗獎 最佳攝影


Hao’s mother is a political fanatic. Facing the demolition of his family home due to urban renewal, Hao hopes to use his father’s inheritance to start a new life with his mother. But upon discovering his mother's absurd political contributions, Hao fears that his mother might squander their inheritance…

陳彥宏  CHEN Yan-hong

CHEN Yan-hong graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts. His work The Younger won a Golden Harvest Award for Best Drama in the Student Slate; A Taxi Driver was nominated for a Golden Bell Award.
  • 年份 詳見各片介紹
  • 放映規格 DCP
  • 色彩 黑白B&W、彩色Colour
  • 級別 輔導級12
  • 片長 97 min
  • 字幕 中文字幕 CH Subtitles
  • 導演 詳見各片介紹
  • 國別 臺灣Taiwan
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A
場次日期 放映時間 放映地點 售票金額
2024.10.15 (TUE) 15:00 高雄市電影館三樓 NT$ 150
2024.10.19 (SAT) 11:00 高雄市電影館三樓 NT$ 150