2024 高雄電影節
雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 H KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts H
展演期間 2024.10.12(六)~ 2024.10.27(日)
晴空萬里 Clear Sky
★ 臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
★ 2024 科寧OKFA影展
★ 2024 科沙林青年影展 紀錄短片特別提及
Vova and Roma spend the last days of their vacation in their hometown. Explosions, alarm sirens, and the army on the streets cast a shadow over their reality. However, childhood happens regardless of the war.
馬爾辛.昆德拉 Marcin KUNDERA
1992年出生於波蘭斯塞新,從卡托維茲的奇士勞斯基電影學校攝影系畢業後,從事電影攝影,2010年起活躍於比得哥什新聞影片(Bydgoszcz Newsreel)。烏俄戰爭爆發後擔任戰地攝影,和波蘭記者協助前線烏克蘭居民,並記錄戰地人們的生活景況。
★ 2024 科寧OKFA影展
★ 2024 科沙林青年影展 紀錄短片特別提及
Vova and Roma spend the last days of their vacation in their hometown. Explosions, alarm sirens, and the army on the streets cast a shadow over their reality. However, childhood happens regardless of the war.
馬爾辛.昆德拉 Marcin KUNDERA
1992年出生於波蘭斯塞新,從卡托維茲的奇士勞斯基電影學校攝影系畢業後,從事電影攝影,2010年起活躍於比得哥什新聞影片(Bydgoszcz Newsreel)。烏俄戰爭爆發後擔任戰地攝影,和波蘭記者協助前線烏克蘭居民,並記錄戰地人們的生活景況。
Marcin KUNDERA is a cinematographer, photographer, documentary director, and theater creator. He holds a master's degree in Cinematography from Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School.
冰雪葬貓 Do It Right
★ 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
★ 2023 巴塞隆納短片與動畫節
★ 2023 俄羅斯Koroche短片影展
Ivan finds his ex-wife's cat dead — the only souvenir of a failed marriage, a heartbreak he is still going through. Yet he cannot bury it; he does not have enough funds for a crematorium and the winter is raging outside. He intends to arrange a proper funeral at all costs.
亞羅斯拉夫.雷貝戴夫 Yaroslav LEBEDEV
★ 2023 巴塞隆納短片與動畫節
★ 2023 俄羅斯Koroche短片影展
Ivan finds his ex-wife's cat dead — the only souvenir of a failed marriage, a heartbreak he is still going through. Yet he cannot bury it; he does not have enough funds for a crematorium and the winter is raging outside. He intends to arrange a proper funeral at all costs.
亞羅斯拉夫.雷貝戴夫 Yaroslav LEBEDEV
Yaroslav LEBEDEV graduated from Kyiv International University with a degree in Film and Dramatic Arts and studied directing at Moscow Film School. His filmography includes short films, episodes in anthologies, and a TV series pilot.
吟唱瘟疫 Hymn of the Plague
★ 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
★ 2024 盧卡諾影展
一座古老的蘇聯錄音室裡,音樂家們試圖錄製亞歷山大.普希金創作之歌劇《瘟疫時的盛宴》(A Feast in Time of Plague)。壯闊樂聲似乎喚起了某些記憶,遊魂般的鏡頭揭示著一場戰爭。直到最後一刻,仍無人知曉真正發生了什麼。受胡利奧.科塔薩爾小說《被佔據的房子》(Casa Tomada)啟發,人類遭到幽靈驅逐家園,隱喻著政治壓迫力與庶民之間的關係。
In an old Soviet recording studio, musicians try to record a composition inspired by Pushkin's A Feast in Time of Plague. However, they are disturbed by a frightening phenomenon.
成立於莫斯科,現活動於巴黎。由導演亞歷山大.埃皮霍夫(Alexander EPIKHOV)、迪米特里.戈爾巴蒂(Dimitri GORBATY)、菲利普.伊凡諾夫(Philipp IVANOV)以及攝影師謝爾蓋.梅德韋傑夫(Sergei MEDVEDEV)組成之電影集社,將世界視為一持續擴大的符號系統,專注發展短片和現場表演。
★ 2024 盧卡諾影展
一座古老的蘇聯錄音室裡,音樂家們試圖錄製亞歷山大.普希金創作之歌劇《瘟疫時的盛宴》(A Feast in Time of Plague)。壯闊樂聲似乎喚起了某些記憶,遊魂般的鏡頭揭示著一場戰爭。直到最後一刻,仍無人知曉真正發生了什麼。受胡利奧.科塔薩爾小說《被佔據的房子》(Casa Tomada)啟發,人類遭到幽靈驅逐家園,隱喻著政治壓迫力與庶民之間的關係。
In an old Soviet recording studio, musicians try to record a composition inspired by Pushkin's A Feast in Time of Plague. However, they are disturbed by a frightening phenomenon.
成立於莫斯科,現活動於巴黎。由導演亞歷山大.埃皮霍夫(Alexander EPIKHOV)、迪米特里.戈爾巴蒂(Dimitri GORBATY)、菲利普.伊凡諾夫(Philipp IVANOV)以及攝影師謝爾蓋.梅德韋傑夫(Sergei MEDVEDEV)組成之電影集社,將世界視為一持續擴大的符號系統,專注發展短片和現場表演。
Originally from Moscow, now based in Paris, Ataka51 is a film collective consisting of Dimitri GORBATY, Philipp IVANOV, Alex EPIKHOV, and Sergei MEDVEDEV. The group has developed short films, videos, and live performances.
父親的萬能助手 The Assistant
★ 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
★ 2024 西班牙威斯卡影展 特別提及
Clara is a young girl who works as her father’s assistant in an informal dental clinic. At lunch time, a new patient arrives who isn’t registered for an appointment that day, arousing Clara suspicion.
皮耶.拉諾斯 Pierre LLANOS
★ 2024 西班牙威斯卡影展 特別提及
Clara is a young girl who works as her father’s assistant in an informal dental clinic. At lunch time, a new patient arrives who isn’t registered for an appointment that day, arousing Clara suspicion.
皮耶.拉諾斯 Pierre LLANOS
Pierre LLANOS is a Peruvian director and screenwriter. His first short film, Wakcha (2017), won several awards at festivals in Peru, including Best Debut Short Film at Filmocorto 2018, and also earned festival selections in Chile, Colombia, and Spain.
我的獨立日計畫 My Independence Day
★ 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
★ 2024 聖保羅短片影展
★ 2023 美國國家評論協會 學生榮譽獎
Seven-year-old Manuela dreams of winning the "best folkloric dress" contest in commemoration of Independence Day at her school. Meanwhile, her brother Gabo (16) takes the risk of protesting in the streets for the plebiscite that will put an end to the Chilean dictatorship in 1988.
康絲坦莎.瑪珠芙 Constanza MAJLUF
智利導演、編劇、製作人與演員,擁有超過15年的製作經驗,跨足智利、西班牙、祕魯、古巴、波蘭及美國等創作企劃,且特別關注女性議題。目前正籌備首部劇情長片《Desierto Rosa》中。
★ 2024 聖保羅短片影展
★ 2023 美國國家評論協會 學生榮譽獎
Seven-year-old Manuela dreams of winning the "best folkloric dress" contest in commemoration of Independence Day at her school. Meanwhile, her brother Gabo (16) takes the risk of protesting in the streets for the plebiscite that will put an end to the Chilean dictatorship in 1988.
康絲坦莎.瑪珠芙 Constanza MAJLUF
智利導演、編劇、製作人與演員,擁有超過15年的製作經驗,跨足智利、西班牙、祕魯、古巴、波蘭及美國等創作企劃,且特別關注女性議題。目前正籌備首部劇情長片《Desierto Rosa》中。
Constanza MAJLUF is an award-winning director and screenwriter with more than 15 years of film experience in projects made worldwide. She is currently developing her first feature, Desierto Rosa.
- 年份 詳見各片介紹
- 放映規格 DCP
- 色彩 彩色Colour
- 級別 保護級6
- 片長 91 min
- 導演 詳見各片介紹
- 國別 詳見各片介紹
場次日期 | 放映時間 | 放映地點 | 售票金額 |
2024.10.18 (FRI) | 17:00 | 高雄市電影館三樓 | NT$ 150 |