
2024 高雄電影節

雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 G KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts G

展演期間 2024.10.12(六)~ 2024.10.27(日)
雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 G KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts G

惡作G之吻  Bunk

★ 臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
★ 2023 波哥大短片影展
★ 2024 布拉格短片影展


Two 18-year-old boys, Tomas and Ales, travel through the Czech countryside with an unordinary business plan. However, before making their dreams come true, they are forced to reconsider the true nature of their relationship... squeezed into one sleeping bag.

皮奧特.傑辛斯基  Piotr JASINSKI

生於波蘭華沙,畢業於布拉格表演藝術學院電影與電視學院(FAMU)。2022年短片《Everything's Fine, Potatoes in Linee》獲華沙影展最佳紀錄短片及觀眾票選獎,並提名奧斯卡金像獎短名單,同年《One F*cking Wish》獲開羅影展評審團特別提及。
Piotr JASINSKI is a director from Warsaw, Poland. He holds an MA in Directing from FAMU International. Everything’s Fine, Potatoes in Line won Best Short Documentary Award and the Audience Award (Short Films) at the 2022 Warsaw Film Festival.

希望在路上  On the Way

★ 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
★ 2024 坎城影展 短片競賽
★ 2024 葡萄牙孔迪鎮短片影展


Amid bureaucratic obstacles, with little or no hope for real political and social changes in the country, a father and son find comfort and strength in their shared optimism for the future.

薩米爾.卡拉霍達  Samir KARAHODA

1977年生於科索沃普里茲倫,現居普里斯提納。1992年涉足攝影,後擔任科索沃紀錄片暨短片影展策展人。2019年首部紀錄片《In Between》提名柏林影展短片競賽。2021年《流浪桌球》入圍坎城短片競賽及高雄電影節國際短片競賽,2024年《希望在路上》再次獲坎城影展入圍肯定。
Samir KARAHODA was born in Prizren, Kosovo. He is a cinematographer, tutor, and a curator of DokuFest. His directorial debut, In Between (2019), premiered at Berlinale. His second short, Displaced (2021), premiered at Cannes and won multiple awards.

同學,畫我吧  Draw Me.

★ 臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
★ 2024 東京短片節


Koyori Edogawa has been marked with her abundant talent as a manga artist. Kiriko Asai is the most popular student who must always be perfect. Two high school students who are always under scrutiny sympathize with each other and search for freedom.

喜安浩平  KIYASU Kohei

1975年生於日本愛媛,2000年創辨「Bull Docking Headlock」劇團,編導數十部作品。共同編劇的《聽說桐島退社了》提名日本電影金像獎最佳劇本。除導演、演員身份外,也是活躍的動畫聲優。
KIYASU Kohei graduated from Hiroshima University and founded the theater troupe Bull Docking Headlock in 2000, staging 30 plays in 20 years. He also has many credits as a director and screenwriter on many films, TV dramas, and animated films.

被打擾的寧靜  The Mysterious Adventures of Claude Conseil

★ 臺灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
★ 2024 葡萄牙孔迪鎮短片影展
★ 2024 克萊蒙費宏影展 費爾南雷諾最佳喜劇、觀眾票選獎


Claude Conseil lives with her husband in a house in the middle of the woods. She spends her time listening to birds. One day, mysterious phone calls break the calm of the forest.

瑪莉—蘿拉.特沃  Marie-Lola TERVER

瑪莉—蘿拉.特沃 生於法國克萊蒙費宏,編導、服裝設計師。曾參與《燃燒女子的畫像》、《蛛殺》等服裝部分。2018年完成首部短片《Zéphyr & le Roi》。

Marie-Lola TERVER was born in Clermont-Ferrand. In 2018, she co-directed the short film Zéphyr et le Roi.

保羅.喬斯林  Paul JOUSSELIN

保羅.喬斯林 生於法國巴黎,編導、錄音師,參與超過百部影片的混音工作,曾擔任影集版《迷離劫》擬音師。2012年完成首部短片《Auditeur Libre》。
Paul JOUSSELIN is a French director, screenwriter, and sound-mixer. He made his first short, Auditeur Libre, in 2012.

卡拉OK插播,在線等  Karaoke, the End

★ 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
★ 2023 荷蘭影展
★ 2024 德國德累斯頓短片影展


Online, Luna (17) is secretly contacting the charismatic Michael (37), presenting herself as a mature, desirable woman. Yet, towards her father, she is a young, innocent daughter. As she celebrates her graduation with her family in a karaoke bar, her separate worlds abruptly intersect when Michael appears.

瑪克.凡.安柏  Muck VAN EMPEL

Muck VAN EMPEL is an independent film professional based in Amsterdam. She works as a director, screenplay consultant, 1st AD, and acting coach. She is always looking for the deeper, painful but beautiful layers underneath intimate human contact.
  • 年份 詳見各片介紹
  • 放映規格 DCP
  • 色彩 彩色Colour
  • 級別 輔導級12
  • 片長 89 min
  • 導演 詳見各片介紹
  • 國別 詳見各片介紹
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 G KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts G
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 G KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts G
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 G KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts G
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 G KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts G
  • 雄影國際短片競賽:國際組 G KFF International Short Film Competition: International Shorts G
場次日期 放映時間 放映地點 售票金額
2024.10.18 (FRI) 15:00 高雄市電影館三樓 NT$ 150